Family Law
The need for a domestic relations attorney is one of the most difficult and personal decisions an individual will make. Separation, divorce and child custody decisions are fraught with emotion. Fundamental changes to a family may be sudden, chaotic, and unexpected. The decisions that accompany these changes are never easy.
Every family is unique and requires individual attention. Oftentimes decisions that alter our family lives may appear interwoven with conflicting and contradictory personal needs, challenging our own sense of self. Our families are fundamental to how we see ourselves and the uncertainty in our future can be emotionally paralyzing.
Many family law and domestic matters can be resolved without unnecessary adversity. Yet even in the best of circumstances, life altering changes to our families do not occur without challenges to the priorities in our lives. These challenges deserve informed, compassionate advice tailored to your unique individual needs. You and those you care about deserve attention and to be protected in the years to come.
Unless there is the need for emergency intervention, such as domestic violence or harm to a child, the Family Law court is only as adversarial as the background presented by you or your spouse. When conflict is present it is often this history that matters to the court. Your attorney must help you control the narrative – a narrative the other party may be trying to silence. My job to help you find your voice.
Ultimately, determining whether it makes sense to go to trial or to reach an out of court settlement can be as challenging as the decision to start your case. Whether you are contemplating divorce for the first time or revisiting a family or custody arrangement created years ago with a former spouse or partner, I will help guide you through the life changes associated with family law with compassion and dignity. If necessary, I will fight in court as an aggressive advocate for your legal rights.

There is never a charge for the initial consultation.
Call me today.